A partial list of venues Mark has played:
The Kenyon Inn, Gambier, Ohio
Huntington Park, Columbus, Ohio
Charity Newsies at the Bluestone, Columbus, Ohio
The Alcove Dinner Theater, Mount Vernon, Ohio
Dick's Den, Columbus, Ohio
Buckeye Lake Yacht Club, Buckeye Lake, Ohio
Night Moves for the March of Dimes, Columbus, Ohio
Byrne's Pub, Grandview Heights, Ohio
First Friday, Mount Vernon, Ohio
Creekside Fourth of July, Gahanna, Ohio
India Oak Bar & Grill, Columbus, Ohio
Alum Creek Sailing Club, Galena, Ohio
The Dolphin Lounge, Gahanna, Ohio
Johnstown Fireworks, Johnstown, Ohio
The Godman Guild, Columbus, Ohio
Dublin Historic Street Bazaar, Dublin, Ohio
Apple Valley New Year's Eve, Howard, Ohio
. . . . and many more